CoronaVirus – Awakening Call and the Message to Humanity

By: Huma Naqvi

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.

Before the universe was created, the throne of Allah (swt) was on Water. Then, Allah (swt) planned to create Adam (as) and Hawwa. Allah made the universe in 6 days. Our lord fixed the mountains to keep the earth in its place and made beautiful rivers and oceans. With the creation of human beings, Allah (swt) sent prophets to seek guidance and to live their life with accountability. Every prophet brought the same message that this universe is under one ruler who is Allah. The messenger brought the message from Allah (swt) to warn individuals about the day of accountability which is the day of judgement. In the past, we can see very strong civilizations like Pharoah, people of Lut (as), Ad and Thamud. They were the nations who built tall pillars and carved stone in mountains to make big magnificent temples. The Prophet came to remind them and said not to become tyrants on earth with your given powers. But once after giving ample amounts of warning, Allah (swt) decided to wipe out the entire civilization.

As a civilized nation we can see the ruins that are left behind, we can learn and analyze a very impactful message. The last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (saw), who is the seal on prophethood, brought the Quran (source of true guidance) which is the clear guidance for the entire humanity. It signifies the way of living with a just way in all fields of life. Quran tells the way how to become successful and how to run life by seeking the guidance from Allah (swt). The one who creates every individual soul. Allah (swt) has given intellect to every soul which has the capacity to think and reflect. The universe is created with a purpose to see who does the best act​. Do we know our Creator? And do we submit according to the Light of Allah (swt)? This given life is also a test to learn through trials. Allah tells in Surah Infitar, “Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you? Whatever from He willed has He assembled you.” (30.82.7-8). This shows that we are fully dependent on Allah for all our needs. But by force Allah never asked to follow and submit and know your creator.

On the contrary, Allah (swt) asked questions about what your intellect leads you to and warns from time to time to check in which direction they are heading towards. Allah (swt) warns from a greater day which has to come and people will gather for True Justice and their payback time for all the deeds they have done. ​The last Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (saw) is promised not to be wiped out once and for all, but there are remindings at large. Every Tsunami, earthquake, landslide and bigger catastrophe, Pandemic is a reminder that life is too short. What have I done with my life and capacity? CoronaVirus seems to be one of them. Just before this if we see the world, people are massively relying on their power, wealth and lust​. Denying the creator that we all need to agree on the powers of Allah. Youth at global scale is indulged with drugs and big maffias are taking over with mass murders, moral values have no value anymore. Women are not the center of home to civilize the generations but everyone is running behind money in the name of career. The entire world is going into a dangerous end.

This deadly disease, CoronaVirus has happened all over the world. This is the first time that the entire world really feels like a global village. This is not the time to wait for a cure or to get depressed and lose all hope. This is the time to take a break and see what we are doing wrong. ​We need to ask forgiveness from Allah (swt) and see how our creator loves us. Every single soul is given a capacity to find the truth. People are getting sick, dying.. Learn the Quran and see what is the purpose and reality of our life. This Virus is a reminder to the entire humanity to start doing what they are told to do. It’s time to think and return back to our Lord. ​Live your life with justice while praising your creator who is the source of everything. It’s an instinct nature to thank who please you, give you a favour than how it’s possible to not to thank and ask forgiveness from your Lord who created you and gave everything for our survival. It is crucial to reflect on our weakness and the real reason why we are on this earth. Now is the time to improve our morals little by little or we will regret our actions in the hereafter.

1 Comment · January 11, 2021 at 9:49 PM

JazakAllah Khair sister for sharing such a thought provoking blog. May Allah (SWT) make humankind come back to the straight path and not displease Allah (SWT), ameen!

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